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It isn't easy being a movie reviewer sometimes because you just can't get any friends to watch a free movie with you, especially when the movie is called "Jarhead". Sounds like some Dumb and Dumber films, but it's actually on the Gulf War.

Jake Gyllenhaal went from messy hair (Proof), to cowboy's hair (Brokeback Mountain) to no hair (Jarhead). And you probably see more of him here than Brokeback Mountain, but that's not the point.

The point is on Amercian military troops who were sent to Gulf War to do nothing. Gyllenhaal played a young recruit Swofford (The author is called Anthony Swofford FYI) under staff sergeant Sykes (Jamie Foxx).

Guys, listen up. The first 20 minutes of the movie will probably remind you of your NS days, so this gives you great reason to indulge in some nostalgia or anticipation.

I digressed. The military troops played in the sand, got gassed in the sand, and had parties in the sand for a long, long time. And all they wanted to do was to fight a war. They were wasting their bloody #$@!!?#$% time there. So what's the point?

There's no point at all. This is what the movie is telling you.

Jarhead – Not Your Typical War Movie (And no, I wasn't bored by it..)

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