功夫灌篮 Kungfu Slamdunk (Film)

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《功夫灌篮》由有‘通俗导演’之称的朱延平指导,剧情被批过于老套不求创新,‘功夫’加上‘运动’的情节让人想起《少林足球》和《乒乓特种兵》(Balls of Fury)。重复和抄袭的现象没有大碍,好笑就好。




Such a movie combining sports and kungfu (Shaolin soccer and Balls of Fury anyone?) has an extremely predictable storyline, but sometimes what audience want is entertainment.

Jay Chou is extremely 'gong gong' with his mushroom hair, and will still charm young girls. The plot can be way roll-eyes ridiculous, but has its laughable movements.

Keep in mind this is a Chinese New Year movie, it will not win awards or win the critics over, but will hit the tops in the box office.

Kungfu Slamdunk - Jay is a winner again

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